Since 2017, SC Ports Authority, through its Community Giving Program, has been a dedicated supporter of a number of educational programs for the students at the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind. Throughout this time, they have provided us with grants amounting to more than $7,000. Until 2023, these grants supported our Really Cool for My School Book Club program and our Libraries for Literacy program. In 2023, we received support for a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) program: Encoding Success through which our students are taught robotics skills.
Literacy skills are often difficult to gain for students who are blind/visually-impaired, deaf/hearing-impaired, or sensory multi-disabled. Blind students need braille books which are very expensive. Students with limited vision need large-print books and/or the use of Ruby Magnifiers in order to read. Deaf students’ first language is ASL (American Sign Language) and they struggle to learn to read in their second language: English. The support of SC Ports Authority for our literacy programs has been crucial to our students’ academic success.
The picture on the previous page shows three students looking through their books after they received them. The picture on the top of this page shows four students around a table in the library holding up the books they just received.
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