The SC School for the Deaf and the Blind has four schools on campus: School for the Deaf, School for the Blind, Cedar Springs Academy, and the Applied Academic Center; as well as our Residential Life program. Each has their own needs to meet the needs of our students. Please see the Wish List below.
USBs that are specified for Macs
Disinfectant wipes
Clear binder sleeves
Rubber bands
Binder clips (Medium and Large)
Dry Erase markers
Glue sticks
Fresh Erasers for White Boards
White Board Cleaner
Good Paper Towels
Cardstock (white and colored)
Colored Pencils
Crayola Markers
Index cards
Desktop Fold Whiteboards (12” by 16”)
Bulletin board borders-cool ones! All subjects (math, science, social studies, ELA)
Pencil sharper (machine ones)
Binders, 1 inch and 2 inches
Dividers with tabs
Pencil pouches
Book bags
Construction paper
Laminating pouches (5 mil)
Foam sticky back sheets
Textured paper, materials/fabric
AA and AAA batteries
Art supplies
Disinfecting spray
Hand sanitizer
Wireless ear buds